Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Featured Etsy Seller " In Honor of Mother's Day".

From the Etsy forums............


Right now my mom is in the hospital, this is Tyler the other half of Lavender Dragon, anyway my mom has been quite ill off and on and she is a one woman machine, she tries her very best to take care of everything and keep the business running on her own as I cant always be there to help her.

She really does make everything by hand, and everything listed in our shop and profile is true. She is extremely caring about our customers and people in general, and Very Passionate about Herbs and Natural Healing. This business of ours has always been my moms lifetime dream, and I hope she gets well enough to see it thru.

She is used to being the type to give you the shirt off her back, and not ask any questions, until she got burned and scammed too many times, now she is leery but still there for anyone who needs help, only sometimes is she questioning, only to make sure the person is being truthful in their plight.

My mom has been thru hell and back, but has never once failed to love me for who I am, and what I believe in, nor did she once ever make me feel she didn't want me, because I was unplanned. She let me be my own person, and at times I was surprised she didn't kick my but royally for things I did. I couldn't have asked for a better mom, to go thru all she has, being a single mom to raise me, the jobs she did just to make sure I was raised to be the respectable person she wanted me to be.

That's my mom in a nutshell



Anonymous said...

(** wiping eyes **)

Your mom is very lucky to have someone like you in her life.

My prayers are with her.


Waterrose said...

Hugs to you and your mom. and take care.

woolies said...

Reading this a couple weeks later, I hope your Mom is ok! I've seen her in the Etsy forums lately, so hoping....off to email her!

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