Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sharing web traffic goals

It takes time to explore and research through the vase opportunities made available to authors looking to draw more traffic to their sites. Here are a few of the programs that I have tried. As I discover new programs this list will be updated with new content.

As most of you already know, I currently have several links from this site to numerous etsy shops. I enjoy discovering new talents and new friends. I also enjoy sharing their many talents with you. Many of the artist are wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, and even grandmothers. We have so much to offer and put alot of love into what we do. Unfortunately, it can be a struggled to get noticed amongst all of the wonderfully creative shops. I myself, find it very hard locating that targeted audience who enjoys crochet handcrafted items. In an effort to increase traffic to this blog and to all of the etsy shop links within, I try to make as many friends as possible on a daily basis. Here are some of the ways that I promote...................

Blogrush - this syndication program has massive potential. I just recently watched the video on their home page and it clearly explains how the program works. When used properly, you can become visible over a large amount of Blogrush widgets. This one is defiantly worth taking a look at. I'm still in the " building credit" phase but, over all Blogrush is well worth signing up with.

Blogcatalog- I currently have 400 people on my friends list. My goal is add at least 50 people a day. Using the Ctrl key and clicking on avatars from groups that have similar interest I can quickly add several friends in a short period of time by opening then in multiple tabs. I give each one a quick overlook to make sure that there content is family oriented and then add them to my friends list.

Etsy Forums- If you're reading this then you probably came here through a forum thread. I post my link there daily and I've made great friends doing this. Most of my Project Wonderful Ads came in the way of etsy forums.

Entrecard- I'm still working on this one. Finding a drop list or campaign list can be tiring. Dropping cards seems like a great idea but unfortunately most drops are made on pages that are after the same thing, " views". This means that you may not get a real " view". These are people are stopping by simply to receive credit points. I am guilty of this as well.

Project Wonderful- This one, although very low on the view scale, is my favorite. This site truly lives up to it's terms. I made ad revenue the first day and was able to purchase ad space immediately. Great investment and a great way to get exposure from high traffic sites. I plan on purchasing a space this week on a widely popular craft site. Hopefully, this will turn up the volume on the views that I currently receive.


Sygnet Creations said...

I just started using project wonderful. I hope that I am able to offer my readers a great variety on my page.. Thank for the lovely read!!

Arty Allsorts said...

I did a similar post a couple of weeks ago - have you tried blogrush or technorati yet? More sites to socialise on and take time away from creating but necessary to get things moving I think. How are you finding blogcatalog? I haven't gone haywire with the friends thing but it looks like maybe I should huh? LOL good luck, nice blog :)

Unknown said...

I'm with you! I must admit, I'm out of breath trying to keep up with it all!

Anonymous said...

It seems like you are on the right track to driving more traffic to your shop. There are soooooo many shops now and it is hard to get noticed. I am amazed at the new shops that appear each day!

marissa | Rae Gun Ramblings said...

thanks for sharing this info, I feel like it's time to up the promotion of my blog.

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