Monday, March 3, 2008

Staying Focused....... Myspace?

I'veve been working non-stop, crocheting , organizing, and now creating a "Myspace" page. "Myspace" has taken over my life. I read a thread about "Myspace", and how it works as a great, FREE promotional tool. Now anything that begins with FREE gets my vote. I started Friday night and I am still working hard at making "Myspace friends". Apparently, the more friends that you have the more exsposure that you will recieve. I placed an " etsy widget" onto my myspace page. This allows visitors the chance to see my work and also allows them to access my store through clicking on something that they find intresting. There are many avenues to this. Placing widgets into other myspace pages by commenting can bring endless views. Since I started on Friday I've made 99 friends. I placed a few widgets in comment boxes and sent out a ton of invites. This has been alot of work. I don't think that I have been to sleep before 2am all week. Sheeeeesh! I guess there is always a catch to FREE!


Whitney said...

there is definitely a catch to have to work hard at it! i might need to check out the myspace thing...


Oi, amiga!
Passei para desejar-lhe muita
.... ×`·.¸.·´(¨`·.·´¨)
.. ×`·.¸.´Paz. e luz..`·.¸.·´
(¨`·.·´¨) no coração.(¨`·.·´¨)
.`·.¸.·´e que
Tenha uma ótima e maravilhosa semana.

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